Welcome!Introducing vegan foods and new ideas into holiday gatherings steeped in tradition can be challenging. But if you do it right, holiday mealtimes can be an enjoyable and positive experience for everyone!
That's why our Compassionate Holidays website offers delicious recipes, product ideas, tips for handling social pressures, and answers to common questions from non-vegan friends and family. By simply adjusting a few tried and true recipes or trying some great vegan products, following a few helpful tips, or finding or hosting an event to meet some new friends, compassion can be your holiday tradition. |
Find or Host an EventShare the vegan journey with new friends! If you're new to animal-free eating looking to enjoy a vegan Thanksgiving or other vegan gathering, find an event. If you're a long-time vegan looking to volunteer at an event, search for events. Or help others along the path -- register an event so that others may find you. |
Living VeganWhether you’re someone exploring the exciting possibilities of becoming vegan, a friend or family member of someone living a vegan lifestyle, or a seasoned veteran vegan looking for new recipes, discovering vegan facts, or celebrating community – there’s something for everyone at LiveVegan.org.
Get a great start here on our Living Vegan page or explore the full site where you'll common questions, learn all about vegan food, explore health-related topics, recipes, and tools like Make The Switch to help you find familiar tasting foods that make the transition to animal-free eating easy and delicious. |
Joyful CommunityHolidays are notoriously stressful. Adding another stressor about food choices and ethics while competing with generations of tradition can be a recipe for frustration, but it doesn't have to be.
There’s no reason you have to be apart from your beloved family, friends, or community to enjoy compassionate foods. In fact, sharing food with family and friends can be a perfect opportunity to share our values and to start new compassionate and healthy traditions. We offer lots of tips to help you stay true to your values while celebrating the holidays with non-vegan Family & Friends. |
Recipes & New TraditionsNew traditions are ready to be created. There are so many delicious, decadent, and comforting vegan foods available these days. It's easier and yummier than ever to choose vegan. Explore Food & Recipes. There's a big, beautiful vegan world out there. Dig in!
A Fresh Start Every DayHolidays are an easy time to slip up and revert to eating animal products. None of us are perfect. If you stumble, don’t be too hard on yourself. Learn and keep moving along the vegan path. Every meal is an opportunity for a fresh start. Take the Live Vegan Pledge at LiveVegan.org to renew your promise to the animals and to yourself.
Compassionate Holidays is a program of Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), a national nonprofit organization promoting a vegan lifestyle through public education and grassroots activism in order to end the use of animals for food. FARM believes in the inherent self-worth of animals as well as environmental protection and enhanced public health.